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The Berkeley lounge

Stay Warm and Engaged Despite the Cold, Lonely Winter

By Catherine Campbell

For many people, winter can be a tough time of year both mentally and physically. It is not uncommon to hear complaints about cold temperatures, and the issues posed by snow and ice. The biggest issue, in general, is the risk of slipping and falling. It can happen to anyone, but seniors are most vulnerable when it comes to breaking bones and enduring a long recuperation. Unfortunately, the fear of falling and the dislike of cold temperatures will often keep seniors from venturing out. This can mean they are stuck at home for prolonged periods, leading to intense isolation through the winter months unless family and friends are visiting. However, visiting once a week is not likely enough stimulation to stave off the inevitable feelings of loneliness and even depression. For family, however, it can be very stressful to make time for enough visits to solve the problem. Even if it were enough, it is not as beneficial as having the choice to socialize on your own terms. Waiting for people to visit can lead to frustration and anxiety, possibly reversing the positive impact of visits.

The beauty of living in a retirement residence is you never have to wait for a visit, there are people around all the time and you can participate in planned or spontaneous activities daily.  You are independent, it is your choice to be social or not. Making choices for yourself has far-reaching benefits, allowing for a greater sense of happiness and satisfaction with life. Living alone, even the most social person can become a recluse in the winter, particularly if physical mobility, transportation and a fear of falling are issues. At a retirement residence, you can enjoy a social life regardless of the season!

For more information about The Berkeley and to book a tour, please call Jenn at (902) 802-0346 or email Jenn would love the opportunity to take you for a tour and show you all the benefits of retirement living!